Moloko House / Residential / Andiparos, Greece / 2018
Moloko House is an open space summer getaway located in the beautiful island of Andiparos in the Kikladhes. The openness of the space is meant to reflect the freedom and border-less state of mind a getaway should project.
Curtains replace walls and doors, letting the beautiful summer breeze swoop through the arches, just as it swoops through the towns alley ways.
The aim was to create a direct relationship with the surrounding environment, not only through the architecture and views of Moloko, but also through the emotion it evokes while being there.
A slightly primitive touch of heavy stone counters and concrete bases are also meant to bring the user a little closer to nature and a little further from the hectic modern life.
Moloko simply wants you to shed your skin and free your mind, it wants you to revisit those past thoughts when things where simpler, and bring those thoughts to today.