B&B Italia / Commercial / Athens, Greece / 2013
The reconstruction of the Halandri showroom is the fulfilment of the 40 year history of the Deloudis organization.
In this space, the kitchens of the Boffi company actively participate in the main area of the house, becoming the subject of contemporary objects of adulation. Complemented by furniture of B&B Italia, as well as some pieces from the collection of Moooi, they entice the most sceptical eye.
The dominating colour scheme of the space follows the colour palette of black and white which the company have established over recent years. Here, however, enters the seal of Keno Arena who were responsible for the set up of the store, their stylistic interventions always with knowledge and aesthetic perfection. Panels scattered with black and white photographs with references to rock concerts while the canvas with animated spheres hovering like dancers, a technical illusion, creates a sense of absolute relaxation.The breath of art is spread throughout the space, which resembles the photographic studio of a progressive artist.